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Sex Tape (2014) – Expect Nothing and You’ll be pleasantly Surprised

Category: Comedy
Actors: Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel, Rob Corddry, Ellie Kemper, Rob Lowe, Nat Faxon, Nancy Lenehan, Giselle Eisenberg, Harrison Holzer, Sebastian Hedges, Timothy Brennen, Krisztina Koltai, Randall Park, Joe Stapleton, James Wilcox

Duration: 94 min
Rated: R

You might Like this Movie if you enjoyed:
The Sweetest Thing (2002), Bad Teacher (2011), This is 40 (2012)

Long Story Short:
A married couple wants to spice up their sex life and records a sex tape that is supposed to be just for them, but instead it gets accidentally uploaded to all their friends’ devices.

Okay, let’s be honest, who actually expected something unexpectedly new and refreshing from this movie? Well, if you did, you were probably deeply disappointed and wanted your money back unless seeing Cameron Diaz’ naked butt, and getting a glimpse at her nipples were enough for you.

Personally, I thought this was going to be just as bad as Bad Teacher, which in my opinion was a disgrace for Cameron Diaz, since I am a big fan of her work, especially the work that showcases her acting skills, and doesn’t seem like a role she just accepted because she had no other offers. But, after having the lowest expectations possible, I was actually pleasantly surprised; sure, it could have had a few more funny moments, and the cursing seemed forced at times. But there were some good jokes, it kind of had a “Dude, Where’s My Car” charm to it, and the two leading actors were charming and committed.

Many times I have read people criticizing the lack of story, but I wonder what they expected from a movie called Sex Tape; a deep love story that will stick with you for days because it was so touching and moving? That’s just like expecting romance in a porn.

Sex Tape is a light weight comedy for a movie night with friends. You can lash out in a conversation and check back in without missing out on anything.

Rating: 5.5/10


  1. Am I the only person who liked Bad Teacher… that movie cracked me up… I watched it over and over for like a week straight… so funny… though I agree I think it’s ridiculous how people go to movies like these expecting some sort of greatness when they’re just meant to give you a laugh… not move your soul…

    • Exactly there is no deeper meaning to it. I think what bothered me with Bad Teacher was Justin Timberlake, he is a great artist but not a good actor. And something was missing. Thank you for commenting! 😀

      • I love him as an actor cause he doesn’t seem to take himself seriously… he’s hilarious… have you ever seen Friends with Benefits? though I definitely couldn’t ever see him pulling off anything serious… he’s just too goofy…

      • Okay, I get your point, and I can agree. He doesn’t take himself too serious! And I think it’s great that you stand your grounds when it comes to Bad Teacher and Justin Timberlake. I was also that one person who didn’t like Django Unchained and nothing will change my mind! 😀

  2. Not really easy to expect nothing; it was almost banned in India and now it is going to release, still censor board calling it vulgar and bad for Indians – so expectations are there 😀 and Bad Teacher was indeed so bad 😦

    • it is vulgar, and like I said, it seems like they wanted to make an adult comedy and therefore felt like they have to curse even if it wasn’t needed. Yeah,,, they should have called Bad Teacher “Bad Movie” instead,,, 😀

  3. I don’t know. I expected nothing and I was still disappointed. The part I actually really found myself entertained was Rob Lowe and that was it. Good review.

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