About Me and This Blog

My name is Simon. I am the one this page got its name from

I write poetry, lyrics, short stories and have recently finished a Middle Grade Novella. I am almost done with a Young/New Adult novel about several people dealing with HIV and AIDS. None of it has been published, even though about 7 literary agents showed their interest during a pitch slam. Whenever I wanted to really go for my passion of writing something else got in the way. But I know I will make it when the time is right.

Besides my passion for writing stories and I also love to talk about movies, and this is what I do on this Blog.

My movie reviews give you a comparison to movies that are similar, a brief storyline, a review and a rating. You can find My rating system right here
I would never write a review about a movie of a genre I am not interested in, unless I am positively surprised. Unfortunately I see many people do this on IMDB. I like certain genres more than others but that shouldn’t hinder me to give a decent review. What you won’t find here is probably reviews for movies like Star Wars or Star Trek just because I am not a fan and wouldn’t know how to rate them. I will leave that to people who understand and appreciate those kind of movies! This Blog is all about honesty! Also, many times people complain that movie reviews are too long, that’s why I try to keep it short, sweet and on point. Oh, and, NO SPOILERS ALLOWED, unless I point it out in the headline. I hate when I read a review that gives away the whole plot, but the writer didn’t have the decency to warn me.

If you want me to watch a movie for you and blog about it, I will do that as well! So please send me requests in the reply section below!

I would appreciate if you comment a lot, and give me feedback if my reviews are helpful or not. Please spread the word about my blog!

One Love!!

LIKE MY FACEBOOK PAGE: http://www.facebook.com/simonsayswatchthis
DROP ME A NICE LINE: simon.daniel20@yahoo.com


  1. Hello Simon, glad to have come across your blog!!
    LOVE ❤ is a very good reason to live somewhere!! Unfortunately I haven't been so lucky in love!! 😦
    Speaking on films, yes, even I give a spoiler alert, if I'm giving something away (might not necessarily be the ending)
    And am not a fan of movies like Star Wars or Star Trek, either!! 😀

    • Awwwww yes it has been too much going on here. Renovating my apartment working on like 5 projects at one time. But I will do my best to write some more reviews my friend. It feels good to have someone waiting for my reviews. 😁 Thanks for that.

  2. Have you ever seen the movie Oscar? It’s one of my favorite movies… because it’s hilarious and I love how everyone dressed in the 20’s… snazzy…

  3. Hey simon, my buddy was wondering if you do web series.

    If so he wanted you to check out a web series called Red vs Blue.

    • I live in a small city called Neustadt, which is about 1.5 hrs. away from Frankfurt. Unfortunately I have never been to Berlin, but I heard it is one of those cities that you either love or hate, but if you love it you don’t want to leave! 🙂 Is it your first time in Germany?

      • Oh I am excited for you! 😀 You definitely have to eat Döner (It’s like Gyros but so much better) and Currywurst! I miss that so much! Oh and if you want something German, Schnitzel and Pommes.

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