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The Seasoning House (2012) – An Unpleasant Tale about Prostitution during the Civil War


Category: Drama/Thriller/Horror
Actors: Rosie Day, Sean Pertwee, Kevin Howarth
Duration: 90 min
Rated: 18

You might like this movie if enjoyed:
Martyrs (2008), I Spit on your Grave (2010)

Long Story Short:
Set in Balkan towards the end of the civil war we get to know Angel, a deaf mute, who lost her family during a brutal invasion by soldiers. Like many other girls she ends up in a brothel without any chance to escape. But since the owner Viktor is fond of her, he “only” has her cleaning up the other prostitutes, who usually have to face very violent clients, who are mostly soldiers, and injecting them with heroin. Troubled by the memories of the tragic loss of her family, she hopes that one day she will be able to take revenge.

Normally I stay far away from movies that are about sex enslavement or rape, but I have read so many positive reviews that I thought I should give it a try. Well, silly me. Rosie Day is delivering a wonderful performance portraying a troubled girl who has lost her family and has only the rage of taking revenge on the ones who took them away from her left. The gore effects seem realistic and stomach turning just like the rest of the movie. But besides that I didn’t see any redeeming quality that this movie had to offer. The other actors did an okay job, but why would you cast British actors who are having the hardest time faking an eastern European accent instead of ones from the actual area?
The story is supposed to evolve around Angel but it is overshadowed by the violence that is happening in the brothel. And none of the characters had a significant breakthrough or development, what was up with that? I am not sure if this movie had authentic features, but I am positive, there have been establishments that have worked just that way, which is horrible enough, but watching girls getting raped and humiliated for 90 minutes seems a little senseless to me, if not even sick.
I am not sure who the target group of the movie is, but judging by the fact that there is a second part of I Spit on Your Grave going to be released later on this year proves that there actually exists one. But if you appreciate movies that have shock value but don’t torment you for the rest of your life, I would suggest staying away from it, because that’s what this film does.

Rating: 2/10

Image sourced from IMDB

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